The total distance of the trail is 48 km ( Day 1 is 16 km; Day 2 is 13 km; Day 3 is 8 km and Day 4 is 11 km).
The Alikreukel trail offer hiking enthusiasts the opportunity to see all the beauty and diversity of the coastal area from Blombos to Jongensfontein to Still Bay – as well as a paddle on the lovely Goukou River. This area is also known for the historic treasures left by the early inhabitants, particularly the Blombos Cave and the fish traps at Still Bay. Hikers will learn more about these fascinating legacies, as well as a host of natural features – from sea life to flora to geological formations. Whales can also be seen close to the shore in season.
For more info, visit the website
Contact Derek Odendaal at Tel 076 2922866 or